Sunday, February 16, 2014

The old, with new eyes.

In another life I would have become an architect. But I lacked the focus and discipline to make it past ARCH101 in college,
so now I appreciate the fact that there are two architects in the family, and that my husband always loves (tolerates?) going on antiquing adventures with me. 

I have always loved learning the history of things. Everyone has a story.

Should'ves, could'ves, would'ves.

Someone close once said to me, "That's the problem with being 'good at everything'. You can't decide on doing one thing."

So true. At least in my case.

Due to me battling sickness and the entire city battling the snow these last few days, I've been stuck indoors, doing a lot of thinking. 

I'm coming up on my last year of my twenties soon and there is a significant part of me that feels like I've wasted it. Because I did. 

I spent almost three years working in a soul-sucking job even when I knew I no longer wanted to become a lawyer. 

And even though I love my current company, I am still working in a legal capacity, which goes back to my notion of wasting time -- when you know you shouldn't be doing something, for whatever reason, but you do it anyway, out of a misplaced sense of obligation or responsibility or pride.

That's the worst kind of wasting, because it is the kind that is done out of cowardice, and a lack of courage, and fear of change. This kind brings with it its own subtle taste of bittersweet and sadness, because you thought you were better, and more brave, and ambitious than this.

But, 2014. From the very beginning I knew 2014 was going to be different somehow. 

Somehow. I just need to figure out how.

We will see.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Let's get it over with.

I've realized recently, that I am constantly in a state of becoming.

And yet I never make it a point to simply just enjoy being, instead. 

Discrepancy noted. Efforts to change to follow.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Where did this month go? Can we hit the pause button on life for just a few moments, please.


I find this


so hauntingly beautiful. 


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