Friday, May 15, 2015

Becoming a "real" writer.

These days, I no longer feel like a sham when I tell someone I'm a writer. 

It's almost an honor, really, to be able to do so.

But why did I wait until I had the full-time professional title to feel this way? Sure, it feels nice to have the highest salary of my career thus far, doing something I am passionate about. Sure, I worked hard to become a writer. 

But the truth is, I've always been a writer, ever since I was a wee child. I've always been a dreamer, an imaginer in my own world. I was a writer before anyone ever paid me for my words. I became a writer when I mailed my first story about a lost puppy to my grandparents.

So why did I wait?

I waited because I could feel people judging. I felt them laughing, and rolling their eyes at me. I felt them scoffing. 

Yes. That's it. For a rebellious wildcard who typically doesn't give a shit about what people think of me, when it came to my writing, I felt sheepish and shy claiming writing as an identity v. a hobby. 

I felt silly. And unworthy.

I have never been more confident in who I am as a person. Here's to becoming a more confident writer, too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Have faith.

"Have faith that you're well-equipped for what's ahead."

I really needed to read that tonight.


I am excited. And terrified.

Yesterday Husband found me perched on the edge of our bed, in tears. Our life together is going to be irreversibly changed moving forward -- and while deep down I know there are many more beautiful, happy moments ahead, and I am so, so looking forward to what's in store for us with all of my heart ... I am also scared, and apprehensive, in the smallest, quietest of ways. I am doubtful in my abilities in this new role. And yet in the same way that I just somehow "knew" my husband would have a very special place in my life the second I laid eyes on him, I also know that I had unknowingly been waiting for this moment my entire life. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Becoming everything.

My humor is always tongue-in-cheek and sarcastic.

So I went ahead and reserved the domain name,, as my new blog name moving forward. Just to poke fun at society's expectations that women be everything to everyone, and all. 

Also all-encompassing of my affinity to write about, well, everything. Yay!


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