Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor of love.

I haven't had much time for leisure writing these days.

Part of me knows that this is bullshit. That it takes 10 seconds to log in, and another ten minutes to type out something - anything. But part of me also feels perfectly justified in my neglect of this blog as of late.

As of late, in between working and volunteering, I have been busy preparing for interviews and class presentations, dealing with some unfortunate family matters, as well as doing an insane amount of reading and studying for school. There's probably more in there somewhere, but drafting a laundry list of complaints isn't my intention here.

My intention here, with this blog entry, comes from the fact that I've been at my absolute happiest in a very long time. I celebrated my birthday last week, and have realized just how much I have changed -- how many challenges I've braved, and how much beauty I have seen -- in a matter of a year.

Year after year, I realize more and more that each of our lives, is a labor of love.

Inject your life with love -- for yourself, for those you care most around you, for your dreams and goals and those of others. Love first, and happiness will then follow.

1 comment:

E. Kay said...

darling i'm really glad that you've been so happy recently. feels like there's a lot going on in your life. please catch me up soon x


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