Sunday, January 18, 2015

Marketing Consultant for hire

Welps. 14 days into the new year and I got laid off along with some other colleagues across various departments. 

I knew it was coming and yet I still reacted fairly strongly to the experience; anger, betrayal, sadness. 

But then, once those emotions passed through me like an initial bullet searing through skin and muscles and body, barely just missing my heart, I found myself breathing again, slowly, less heavily, with more and more relief.

Happiness, even. Happy for a new beginning, another chance, a different perspective.

Funny, because <a href = "">CNN Money</a> ranked "marketing consultant" as the #2 best job back in 2012, with a projected 40%+ growth over a period of 10 years -- and a loud and clear warning that "there is no such thing as job security" here.

Severance and unused vacation hours aside, 2015 is going to be my year for an even better hustle. 

Let's go.

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