Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday fog.

The weather in DC today makes me think of what London's would be like; gray and uninspiring. An old friend spent a semester abroad there, interning at the British Parliament. She would complain to me in our emails about how dreary the rain is. I would remind her that she was, after all, in London. Interning at the British Parliament, no less. Not many people can say they've witnessed those funny legal wigs in person.

I'm not in a foreign city, nor is my workplace prestigious, or even remotely entertaining... but, to someone else, my situation could be just as enviable. I have someone who loves me enough to pack my lunch for me, and drive me into the city for work when I need to get in early. I have a job that has "pizza parties" when its employees have been working hard; a job that will still pay me whether or not the government shuts down this coming Monday.

And so when I find myself complaining, I remind myself that no matter how foggy things currently are -- how uncertain the future feels, at this very moment -- we need to remember to keep perspective; to keep shining through.

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