Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bitter, bitter, sweet.

This past week started off on a most terrible, most wretchedly dreary note for me, just like the cold and rainy weather we had here in DC.

But when you have such amazing people in your life -- absolutely amazing people who obviously care so, so much about you -- when you have so many wonderful people and so many things to be grateful for in life, you can't really allow yourself to dwell on the negative for too long... because that would just be entirely way too silly for anyone, including myself, to be such a foul little grouch in the midst of such good luck and too many blessings.

But I do have to admit; those delicious red velvet cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcake always turn a frown upside down after just one bite. Just one. Seriously! They are that incredible. (And so is Manfriend, for always knowing how to cheer a girl up.) I get so sad every time one of my favorite flavors pops up on their secret FREE cupcake of the day because I really can't justify a $10 cab ride and a 30-minute (or longer!) wait in line for them (...yet?).

So, well, maybe it's a good thing, after all, that my firm isn't within walking distance of that place, or else I would probably be their most loyal customer.

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