Monday, December 30, 2013

Moving on.

Around this time last year, I was packing up my things and relinquishing the keys to my 'single girl apartment'.

This year, the Husband and I have been purging our things while packing up together. Throughout it all, I kept asking myself at least a dozen times, "How in the fuck, did I accumulate so much shit, in so little time?!"

We've also been sprucing up our current place (this included everything from painting to caulking to replacing all the hardware -- I'm such a handy(wo)man, now!) for our new tenant who was, thankfully, incredibly flexible and patient with last-minute schedule changes that were beyond our control. God bless her heart.

Everything happened in less than a month, and with the holiday season taking up half of that time, I could not have been more grateful and relieved that everything fell into place the way they did, when they did.

It seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life -- some calm before the storm; small, fleeting glimpses of beauty amongst the chaos; rainbows, after torrential rains.

It has been both exhausting and exhilarating. I'm definitely excited, sure, but to be honest, I'm really looking forward to just enjoying the dust settling soon, too.

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