Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love birds.

Do you think we use our parents' relationship as a model for our own?

Can we break the cycle, if theirs was less than perfect?


scriptamanent said...

I don't see why not. My parents have been married for over thirty years, but that doesn't mean that I at all aspire for a marriage like theirs. I like aspects of it; I dislike others. I make lists of the things I don't like, things I really can't stand, and then I make it a point not to repeat those things. The rest, I figure, will fall into place.

You'll find your own method, one that works for you, I know it.

Kim said...

even as a child, i believed that my parents should never have married/remained married for as long as they did. as i grow older -- and especially in the last few months, when i was living with tony, "playing house" as a "family unit", so to speak -- i catch myself doing/saying things that my parents do/say to each other in their relationship. (e.g., lashing out, keeping in their resentment, being highly critical/emotional, etc.) it's largely subconscious, most of the time, and sometimes, i realize it AFTER the fact when it's too late...

but, yeah; thoughts were premature and significantly underdeveloped when i wrote this post. not sure how much i want to write about it, considering this is my more "public" personal blog, sigh.


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